The arts of the Urhobo peoples of Southern Nigeria [microform] / by Wilson Perkins Foss.

By: Foss, Wilson Perkins
Contributor(s): Yale University
Language: English Publisher: Ann Arbor, Mich. : Xerox University Microfilms, 1976.Description: 2v. : xvi, 297p. ; ill., 93 photos. (5 fiche).
Item type Home library Collection Shelving location Call number Copy number Status Date due Barcode Item holds
Microfiche Microfiche British Museum Africa Oceania and the Americas Microfiche F45 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) 1 Not for loan F45
Total holds: 0

Thesis (Ph.D) - Yale University, 1976. - Bibl. p.291-6. - Vol. 2 is illustrations only.
